p id="description">Ramblings of a semi-sane, semi-agitated, semi-positive, always tired Asian

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Well interesting weekend... Lets see, well our tournament got delayed yet again. Yay? On Friday I went to a co-worker's party and it was great! First there was the awkwardness of not know anyone, well I wasn't the only one it was kinda split into 3 groups... the group of girls that pretty much were the majority, the 2 guys who didn't really know each other but were the same age and then there's me the chinese dude who's the oldest guy in the group and the only who's actually able to drink alcohol legally. So from like 8:30-9:30 it was a dry party that was very awkward and the guys kinda kept to ourselves and we all pretty much try to feebly break ice only to get beaten back with the bat of "What Now"

SO! as a result... when the booze arrived, everyone hit the bottle pretty hard (this is my conclusion at least). Sorry did I say everyone? I meant everyone except me and this chick who had to drive home... Oh Yeah! Super JUICY FRUIT FUN! So in like less than an hour everyone is buzzed and/or wasted.

Alright that was the start! THATS RIGHT BITCH THIS ONES GONNA BE LONG! So lets start the tale of "Tony: The Nice guy who's taking care of underaged drunks!" Come Folks! Sing-a-Long! you all know the words... OH WAIT! YOU DON"T!

So After a bit of everyone enjoying what i will now be referring to as FUCK ME UP Juice or (FMU Juice, btw this term shall only be used for young, teenaged, underaged ppl who only use alcohol to get shitfaced to have fun) This one girl told me to make sure this one guys who shall be called, "Grabby" Doesn't help the girls do something they'll regret! My god! Grabby TOOK FOR FUCKING EVER TO FUCKING PASS OUT! And this one chick whom shall be called "Drunk Crying" (you'll understand her name later)Was totally wasted very fast, Grabby hung around her quite a bit so i had to repeatedly break them up... so after he figured he's not gonna get any from Drunk Crying he decides to wander and grab as much as he could. So that lasted about the fucking longest hour of my life... OH WAIT NEVERMIND! THE HOURS ONLY GET LONGER!!!! YAYAYAYYAYAAAYYAYAYAYAYAY *passes out from the excitement and falls out of spinning chair

Ah Hem! So like i was saying finally after a hour of telling this guy to chill out repeatedly he decides "Ok, I'm done trying to get me some for the night!" *Makes way to the couch and passes out. So at this point I'm like FINALLY! MUTHA FUCKER PASSED OUT! So I look around to see what else is going on, Oh! Look! It's Drunk Crying and she's babbling incoherently, stumbling around and her friends are drunkenly trying to help her. I go to help her, walk and decide ok this girly girl should be sitting down or at least so after a bit of talking and moving i finally get her down... and what does she do... try to stubble back onto her feet! Not only that she's talking about how she has to finish the boozes she bought and how she wants it... so for next lil while i'm looking after Drunk Crying while she cycles through these things, listed in no particular order: Crys about how I won't let her have her booze, Crys about how she's sorry that I have to look after her, Crys about how she's sorry for putting everyone through this, mummbles strange things and tries to get to places while i try to hold her up, while i'm trying to hold her up telling me to let her go (she can walk by herself) and trying to shove my hands away from her. Let me tell ya it's not easy keeping he up or trying to move her around... all 125 pounds of her... yeah she let is slip somewhere inbtw the random rants... So eventually 12:30 comes around and Drunk Crying's mom comes to pick her up, mom has trouble getting daughter to stand up on her own free will, Tony selflessly volunteers to help walk her out.... Tony some how ends up helping Drunk Crying out to the car with no shoes on.

SO! Where are we now? Oh right! that was 2/3 of my friday night! Well the rest of the night wasn't as bad... i would just check up on the passed out ppl to make sure they're still breathing and not puking(that part i think i was being paranoid about). Making sure the puking ppl were doing ok and checking on the semi-coherent ppl. One of whom was seeing someone and was being very friendly with her friend whom she invited... SO I had to keep reminding, lets call her Pretend Innocence, that she was seeing someone and not to do anything stupid... Tried to stay until everyone passed out but it was already 2:30 so i had to go.

PS. There was this one hot chick who had a bf though, sigh, she handled herself really well when she was drunk and helped me out her friends... Now on the other spectrum remember that other chick... you know the sober one? Yeah not much help there.... stupid irony!

So that was my huge night that all i can do is bitch about, cause in the end I didn't even get to make out with the hot chick or anything! All i got from ppl was "Your such a nice guy Anthony or Tony! But not Antony! or you'll kick our ass!"

OH! and Btw i almost hit some old lady goign down 97th st. cause She decided it would be a SUNSHINE of an idea to not pump the break, but slam on it cause that always works with a nice layer of ice! And she decides to keep on the breaks when she started to skidd and start turning side-ways infront of me! So since i couldn't stop in time i had to run over the margin while breaking to avoid this dumb hoe!


To the guys: Sorry if I was being a bit of a dick when we were chilling out

You forgot the TOFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry
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