p id="description">Ramblings of a semi-sane, semi-agitated, semi-positive, always tired Asian

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Ok... so I'm not a frequent blogger.. so what sue me!

Welp SHOUT OUT TO DEV! CAUSE IT"S YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!! don't expect a present today cause I ain't got one!!! and SHOUT OUT TO BUMS WHO DON"T BUY PRESENTS ON TIME!

WAIT! You can't! Cause I have my anti-suing Force-field on! HA you suck! Anyways, so lately all I've been doing is playing Ro, watching Anime, chilling wid my friends and cold calling which is pretty good... (aside from my dad thinking all I do is go on the computer...) Jerkface, my dad likes to give my chores and justify is by ending his senctences with, "... Or you'll play until you go crazy." Rough direct Cantonese translation...

Anyways I'm really tired... I should really be going to bed early, but i can't it's really taking it's toll on me. SHOUT OUT TO INSOMNIACS HOPPED UP ON CRACK!! As a result i had a bleeding nose this morning around 10:30, that was fun! SHOUT OUT TO PPL WHO PICK THEY"RE NOSE TO MUCH AND MAKE IT BLEED!

So if you don't know, and if you don't then I already hate you with the passionate flames of water on hot hot oil! I had a tournment run by Ging-Wu and we came back pretty good, as a school, 9 medals i believe.... 1 gold 7 silver and 2 bronze, sadly i only go bronze, in sparring.... dammit... and 4th in forms... double dammit wasn't even close... lost by 0.7points dam man..... SHOUT OUT TO WHITE PPL WHO ARE ROBBING ME OF MY MEDDALS! and ranald... HAHAHAH It was fun, but the guy I lost to was enjoying himself to much... and was laughing dammit! SHOUT OUT TO CRAZY WHITE PPL WHO LAUGH AT STRANGE TIMES!
Anyways yeah and ontop of that if you didn't know I only had like 2 days of training for the tournament.. i dunno if thats a good excuse but I don't think I'll use it, we'll say thats what i get for being a lazy bastard.

Oh and yeah real quick I think I'm starting to like someone who I used to like....... Some of you might already know who...
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