p id="description">Ramblings of a semi-sane, semi-agitated, semi-positive, always tired Asian

Friday, February 27, 2004

So more ramblin's by me today... this incoherent babble will hurt... just a warning ahead of time k?

Anyways I realize i have no goals set up and have no desires hence I'm just paying money to roam the campus of University and no be one of those losers who go on campus to just pick up chicks.

Ok ok so there has been a lack of "picking uping" with the ladies lately, and I think it's due to the feeling of blah and blahyness that i'm feeling. Like everyone i know on campus... I'm miserable... I don't wanna be in school...
and I find ppl are being more moronic and children are being reallly crappy. Like some jr. high kid was talking about smoking up and doing shrooms on the bus like it was normal, not to mention his sweet ass deal about trading his ps 2 controller and vice city for the shrooms. Oh and his friends all like, "Man let me have some of that." Freewill, another excuse to make us feel good inadvertently, because you know the or those omnipotent creaters must be perfect, or as close to perfect as they can be... Our generation is getting lazier by the minute. God this is sad, I won't even walk to lets say iga for junk food even though i crave some chips right now. Hypothesis: I believe that we are lazy because we create inventions to make our lives easier, this is due to our human nature to be inovative and be technological. BTW thanx biology! I not only know how to write a hypothesis, I KNOW HOW TO DO IT BADLY!

I dunno if i wanna be learning next year... and again... like everyone else, I have an identity crisis. I don't know what i want for Tony, I'm pretty much doing this for my parents, half-assedly mind you. Man theres like this big hole inside that feels like it's empty, no it's not my stomach you bastards!

So my apathy really can't be blamed on anyone cept me, so? I'm apathetic, how the hell is that supposed to make me care?
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