p id="description">Ramblings of a semi-sane, semi-agitated, semi-positive, always tired Asian

Thursday, November 20, 2003

HaLo! been awhile .... so yeah i haven't have a chance to ask her yet... we'll see if i'm up to it tomorrow :oS

so yeah... i'm extremely tired... yep so on another note.... I guess you know your starting to take Post-Secondary seriously when your up till 2 trying to finish something and you start to develope huge RACCON EYES!!!! O_O so yeah i'm dunno I'm still trying to figure out whats wrong with me... don't get me wrong... theres something wrong with all of us weither we chose to admit it or not, don't deny it you MESSED UP FUCK! Hey I can say that if i want hoe! cause i'm a messed up fuck too! It's like a chinese person calling another one chink... or something like that...

I dunno maybe it's cause of childhood truama, how i was raised... maybe... Someone... should..... aww forget it! So yeah self-reflection is hard.... and looking into the future is scary... so living in the present is... a bitch? good enough!

Need to get my act together... anyways cya lata all

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